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Insurance People of North Carolina

School Safety Pays: Insurance People and Utica National Insurance Announce Dividends for Charter School Safety Program

By Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina, Specialty Insurance
Insurance People is proud to announce that Utica National Insurance Group has declared a dividend for the Charter School Safety Program. Utica has issued a 5.6% dividend for charter school participants. Members of Utica’s dividend program are committed to keeping schools safe. Insurance People partners with Utica for this very reason – they provide unmatched resources to ensure their schools are leaders in risk management and safety practices. Each year Insurance People adds new schools to the Safety Group. We welcome any introductions and hope to help more schools stay safe and be financially rewarded for doing so in 2025.…
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Five Dangers of Ignoring Workers’ Comp Just Because Rates are Low

By Business Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina
Insurance People of NC is proud of the work that we continue to do with the Institute of WorkComp Professionals (IWCP). The IWCP does great work for the Insurance industry. According to IWCP, “for every dollar the insurance company spends, they are likely to pay back $2.00 to $3.00. It’s our job to give you the tools to keep your clients from borrowing at such high-interest rates. Because Workers’ Comp is so complicated and confusing, employers are left to assume that their premium audit reports are accurate and their Experience Modification Factors are correct. However, because of mistakes rampant in…
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Before Renovating, Refresh Your Safety

By Business Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina, Specialty Insurance
  Our friends at Builders Mutual Insurance Company provided us with the below information regarding renovation safety. We are thankful to Builders Mutual Insurance for continually providing us valuable information that we can share with you all. Below is the blog from Builders Mutual. When a property owner chooses to remodel instead of building from scratch, contractors also need to adapt their approach – including how they’ll safeguard workers. Renovation presents distinct challenges that may not be present in new construction. Adam DeVantier, Senior Risk Management Consultant at Builders Mutual, shares his top safety tips for renovating. This advice applies…
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Work Comp Wednesdays – Stop Hiring Claims: Benefits of Screening New Hires

By Business Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina, Workers Compensation
  Welcome to Work Comp Wednesdays! Insurance People is the industry-leader in North Carolina workers’ compensation insurance. Each week, our team takes a frequently asked question and expands on the issue for our clients, prospective clients, and community members to better understand the confusing nature of Work Comp. Stop Hiring Claims Hiring employees is one of the hardest tasks for any businessowner – especially with today’s labor shortage. Employees not only ensure your business can function, but they dictate company culture and future growth. Unfortunately, not everyone that applies has the physical or mental qualifications necessary to perform the job.…
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Start Your Flood Insurance 30-Day Wait Period Just in Time for Hurricane Season

By Business Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina, Personal Insurance
  June 1st is the official start of hurricane season for states along the Atlantic coast – and it could be catastrophic. Scientists at Colorado State University issued a prediction that there will be at least 19 named storms. Of those 19 named storms, nine will be hurricanes - four of which will be Category 3 or higher. Typically, an average hurricane season has around 14 named storms, seven hurricanes and three major hurricanes. In 2021, hurricane season produced 21 named storms, including seven hurricanes of which four were Category 3 or higher. Last year’s season was the sixth consecutive…
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The Business Owner’s Conundrum: How Buying Workers’ Comp Insurance Relates to Buying Gasoline in A Seller’s Market

By Business Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina, Workers Compensation
Buying workers’ compensation insurance is a lot like purchasing gas for your vehicle. Your company is a car with an empty tank and insurance carriers are gas stations looking to win your business. Gas stations (insurance carriers) are homogeneous - the only real differences between them are their logos and the fuel costs. Gas stations understand that price is the main reason someone would choose to fill up at their pump rather than the pump across the street. Yes, a handful of individuals might choose them for other reasons; clean bathrooms, good snack selection or even lottery winning success. However,…
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9 Most Common OSHA 300A Summary Mistakes

By Business Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina, Workers Compensation
This blog is from our friends at EmergeApps   Employers are required to post the OSHA 300A summary from February to April of each year to maintain OSHA recordkeeping compliance. This is an essential responsibility for employers – but can also be a confusing one. Here are the 9 most common employer mistakes regarding the 300A posting: Failure to post when there are zero incidents Employers are required to post the Form 300A Summary even if there were no recordable injuries and illnesses. If there are no incidents, simply enter zeroes for the column totals. Not posting the right data…
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Insurance People Works with Utica National Insurance to Issue Dividend Checks for Charter School Safety Program

By Insurance People of North Carolina, Specialty Insurance
Insurance People is thrilled to announce that Utica National Insurance Group has declared a dividend for the Charter School Safety Program. As a result of low claims in 2019, Utica has declared an 8.9% dividend for charter schools as a result of claim activity between April 2019 – April 2020. Members of Utica’s dividend program are committed to keeping school’s safe. Insurance People partners with Utica for this very reason, they provide unmatched resources to ensure their schools are leaders in risk management and safety practices. Each year Insurance People adds new schools to the Safety Group. We welcome any…
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Insurance People of North Carolina Attends North Carolina Craft Brewers Conference & Sponsors #NCBeer Brewery Crawl

By Business Insurance, Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina, Specialty Insurance
Insurance People of North Carolina Attends North Carolina Craft Brewers Conference & Sponsors #NCBeer Brewery Crawl November 10, 2021 – Insurance People of North Carolina had the privilege to attend the 8th annual North Carolina Craft Brewers Conference from November 2nd to November 4th in downtown Winston-Salem. The NC Craft Brewers Conference brings together craft brewing professionals from across the Southeast for a three day event of learning, networking, socializing, and shopping. On Tuesday, November 2nd, Insurance People partnered with Radar Brewing Company to sponsor one of the locations of the #NCBeer Brewery Crawl. That evening, conference attendees had the…
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Property Management Group Lowers Experience Mod and Workers’ Comp Premium by 30% through Managing Safety and Risk

By Business Insurance, Insurance, Insurance People of North Carolina, Workers Compensation
INSURED A multi-state property management group. SITUATION The management group had rising workplace injury costs, and their prior agent was not addressing it. This complexity requires expertise, as well as the time and resources to properly audit the company’s safety procedures.  Unable to get a handle on the workplace injury claims, the Experience Mod & Premium began to climb. ASSESSMENT Insurance People’s Master WorkComp Advisor (MWCA) conducted a Risk Management Audit on the company’s Workers’ Compensation program to identify the risk issues facing the company and to help benchmark their performance against ideal industry standards. The company signed a Broker…
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