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Post-Hurricane: Cleanup, Donations and Avoiding Scams

Hurricane Florence made landfall this weekend, dumping rain that has caused major flooding to the coast and inland cities of the Carolinas. Shocking photos surfacing online portray the severity of losses impacting cities like Wilmington, New Bern, and Fayetteville. Fortunately, the skies have cleared, which allowed first-responders and trained volunteers to begin the recovery effort on Monday.

We have compiled three articles written by the Centers of Disease Control, the Charlotte Observer, and Forbes on helpful tips regarding post-disaster cleanup, reputable charities for donations, and how to avoid scams. Please review the links below to gain a better understanding:

“Clean Up Safely After a Disaster,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  

The article reviews topics like general safety tips, mold and disease prevention, and possible hazards.

“Scammers will be out after Hurricane Florence. Here’s how to avoid them,” Charlotte Observer

The news outlet examines potential scams arising post-Florence like unlicensed contractors and fake charities.

“Helping Out After Hurricane Florence: Where, What & How To Donate,” Forbes

Forbes provides a list of reputable, tax-exempt charities that are accepting Florence-specific donations.